What do I do if I develop a seroma?

Serum Treatment
Seroma Treatment Louisville KY

Seromas are one of the most common complications following cosmetic surgery. While any complication can seem scary, seromas are actually pretty straightforward. A main cause of seroma formation after liposuction is damage to the lymphatics by liposuction cannulas ( this is worse with laser and ultrasound injury). Prevention is much easier than treatment! The best ways to prevent seroma formation is to make sure you’re in the right compression garment and wear it as directed, drink plenty of water, and receive post-op massages. Once a seroma has formed, the fluid needs to be removed so the skin can stick back down. Seromas can either:

  • drain spontaneously (post-op massage increases this likelihood as it stimulates the lymphatic system)

  • be reabsorbed after adding additional compression

  • be drained manually via aspiration

    If you’re concerned you may have developed a seroma and it is not going down with massage/compression, contact your surgeon!


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